PILF v. Benson

PILF v. Benson

Lawsuit against the Michigan Secretary of State for failure to maintain accurate and current voter rolls, as required by federal law. United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan (No. 1:21-cv-00929) Federal District Court Documents Complaint for...
LULAC Texas v. Texas

LULAC Texas v. Texas

Complaint alleging that Texas’ recently executed election reforms governing absentee voting and other matters violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965. U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (1:21-cv-00786) Court Documents PILF’s Motion to Intervene...
Pennsylvania v. Dush

Pennsylvania v. Dush

Amicus brief filed in case regarding legislative subpoena for election records held by the Pennsylvania Department of State Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania (Case No. 322 MD 2021) Case Filings Amicus Brief in Opposition to Claim I of the Petition for Review...
Pennsylvania v. Dush

Costa v. Corman

Amicus brief filed in case regarding legislative subpoena for election records held by the Pennsylvania Department of State Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania (Case No. 310 MD 2021) Case Filings Amicus Brief in Opposition to Count III of the Petition for Review...
Public Interest Legal Foundation