PILF National Billboard Campaign: Avoid Mail Voting

Published On: October 15th, 2020

Billboards Appearing in Contested States

(INDIANAPOLIS, IN.) – October 15, 2020: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) formally announced its national billboard campaign to encourage the American electorate to cast ballots in person.  

“Voting in person is the gold standard to having your vote count,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said. “Mail ballots disenfranchise voters because ballots are lost, completed with mistakes, and sometimes even stolen or thrown away. We hope these billboards serve as a reminder of their in-person options that are proven to ensure votes are properly received and counted.”

The initial messaging comes in two forms: “Vote in Person: It’s Better than the Mail,” and “Vote in Person: Protect Your Vote.” A cartoonish image of a mail ballot addressed to “Your Neighbor” is situated with the messages.

Billboards (digital and traditional) are going up in major cities and near busy freeways in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and others.

Pittsburgh, PA

Detroit, MI

During the 2020 Election cycle, the Foundation demonstrated in courts and the public conversation that the United States is not ready for an emergency transition to all-mail voting. Briefs were filed in 11 federal lawsuits demonstrating the numbers of apparently deceased and duplicated registrations still on the rolls in those states. PILF lawsuits against Detroit and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania triggered voter roll maintenance efforts.

PILF also outlined how more than 28 million mail ballots since 2012 went untracked and unreturned to election offices. Millions more were rejected or sent to outdated or otherwise wrong addresses.

The Foundation released a national report detailing the hundreds of thousands of deceased and duplicated registrants across the nation’s voter rolls, which are now the basis for tens of millions of mail ballots being put in the postal system.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation is leading the nation in enforcing election integrity laws and the National Voter Registration Act, having brought cases in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and Maine and filed amicus briefs in litigation across the nation.

Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm dedicated to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections.


Public Interest Legal Foundation