REPORT: How Many Potential Election Related Crimes Languish in Florida Prosecutors’ Offices?

Published On: November 10th, 2021

Documents detail that Florida Prosecutors received 156 referrals from nine county supervisors of elections about potential criminal election law violations

(Tallahassee, FL) – November 10, 2021: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) today released a report detailing election crime referrals supervisors of elections sent to prosecutors throughout Florida.

PILF received documents detailing 156 referrals from nine county supervisors of elections (SOE) about potential criminal election law violations. A tenth county, Hillsborough, informed PILF of its policy to not alert prosecutors to potential violations.

PILF followed these referrals through Florida criminal databases and court records where available and found little follow-through from prosecuting authorities. PILF did not find matching records of prosecutions or convictions in any of these Florida counties. It is unknown why law enforcement did not pursue these matters. Justice does not prevail when prosecutors never receive referrals or receive them and allow them to gather dust. And there is no deterrence in a system where potential election criminals know there is no chance of being prosecuted, even after getting caught.

Not prosecuting election related crimes is a serious problem throughout the country,” said PILF President and General Counsel Christian Adams. When these crimes are not prosecuted there is no deterrence from committing them. Governor DeSantis is taking a key step in the right direction by urging the Florida legislature to create the Office of Election Crimes and Security, that will solely be dedicated to investigating and prosecuting election fraud. All 50 states should create a similar office dedicated to investigating and prosecuting election crimes.”

Access the full report, here.


Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is a 501(c)(3) is the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections. PILF has brought lawsuits and won victories in Texas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and across the United States.

Public Interest Legal Foundation