REPORT: Massachusetts Annual Mandatory Census Identifies Aliens and Inactive Registrants on the Voter Roll

An annual Massachusetts census poses questions about citizenship status. 

(Alexandria, VA) – May 14, 2024: The Public Interest Legal Foundation’s (PILF) report reveals how Boston uses Massachusetts’ annual census to update voter rolls and uncover foreign participation in American elections. This state-mandated census provides an example of how other states could identify and remove aliens from voter rolls.

Massachusetts law requires an annual census of all residents and poses mandatory questions about citizenship status. Then, census takers must integrate data collected with voter roll maintenance. If an individual identifies as a foreign national on the census or fails to respond, he or she is set on a track to be removed from the voter roll.

Government records disclosed to PILF reveal 70 recent examples of alien voter removals in 2024 that were caught through this census process. One of theses records is pictured below.

“There is no doubt that foreigners are getting registered to vote and casting ballots,” said PILF President, J. Christian Adams. “The Massachusetts’ census system offers a lesson on the use of diverse data to better inform voter list maintenance. By doing so, you protect American elections from foreign interference.”  

For nearly a decade, PILF has harvested government records of noncitizen voter cancellation reports generated by local officials. These studies were carried out in places like Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, California, Texas, and sanctuary cities across the nation. PILF has brought and won federal trial and appellate court cases in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas to secure access to records relating to foreign nationals registering and voting. The Foundation has an active lawsuit against Alameda County, CA for failing to disclose records relating to foreigners registering to vote.

Read the full report here.

Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections. PILF has brought lawsuits and won victories in Texas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and across the United States.


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