
Merrill v. Milligan

Amicus brief filed in case regarding a Section 2 Voting Rights Act claim against Alabama's congressional redistricting plan United States Supreme Court (Case Nos. 21-1086, 21-1087) Case Filings Amicus Brief of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (April 29, 2022)...

Parable et. al. v. Griswold

Amicus brief filed in case regarding Proposition 108's intrusion into protected First Amendment rights of association in Colorado United States District Court for the District of Colorado (Case No. 1:22-cv-477) Case Filings Amicus Brief of the Public Interest Legal...

Mennella v. Delaware Department of Elections

Complaint alleging that statutes requiring same-day registration and vote-by-mail conflict with the Constitution of Delaware. The Chancery Court of the State of Delaware (Case Nos. 2022-0179, 2022-0641) Chancery Court Documents Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and...

PILF v. Ardoin

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of...

PILF v. Dahlstrom

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of...

Riddle v. Oliver

Riddle v. Oliver

Amicus brief filed regarding push to adopt all-mail voting in New Mexico on an emergency basis amid the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Supreme Court of New Mexico (Case No. S-1-SC-38228) Case Filings PILF’s Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief and Attached Brief...

North Carolina NAACP et. al. v. Cooper et. al.

North Carolina NAACP et. al. v. Cooper et. al.

Intervention to defend North Carolina’s increased allowance for at-large citizen election observer rights on behalf of client Voter Integrity Project--NC. United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina (Case Number 1:18-cv-1034) Case Documents...

PILF v. Allegheny County Board of Elections

PILF v. Allegheny County Board of Elections

PILF filed a lawsuit against the Allegheny County, PA Board of Elections for failure to maintain accurate and current voter rolls, as required by federal law. United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania (No. 2:20-cv-00279) Court Documents...

PILF v. Bellows

PILF v. Bellows

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of the statewide voter roll and history records held by the Maine Secretary of State. Now listed as PILF v. Bellows. United States District Court for the District of Maine (Case...

Gleason v. Padilla

Gleason v. Padilla

Amicus brief filed in support of appellant's position that California is failing to follow the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Court of Appeal for the State of California (Case No. CO88700) Case Filings Application and...

Public Interest Legal Foundation