Election Frontline

How Virginia Democrats Are Working To Make Elections Sloppy Again

A lawsuit filed last Wednesday in the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia against the county registrar and three members of the Fairfax County Electoral Board exposed election officials’ ongoing disregard for state election law.

J. Christian Adams: PENNSYLVANIA Election Officials Are ALWays Hiding public information

PILF filed amicus briefs in two cases (Costa v. Corman and Pennsylvania v. Dush) arguing for transparency regarding election administration in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Senate Intergovernmental Operation Committee issued a subpoena to the Department of State...

Ken Blackwell: They cannot gaslight us into BELIEVING VOTER ID IS RACIST

States like Texas and Georgia have passed legislation to include identification requirements with mail ballots. Stacey Abrams and others have charged voter ID laws as racist and the new Jim Crow. PILF Board Member Ken Blackwell joined OAN's The Real Story to fight...
Public Interest Legal Foundation