
Motor Voter at 30: North Carolina’s Noncitizen Problem

Motor Voter is the Cause & Barrier to Stopping Noncitizen Voting June 2023 -- After 30 years under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) or “Motor Voter,” the unintended consequences of the law are clear in North Carolina: it has never been easier to register...

Milwaukee District Attorney Refused 354 Referrals for Potential Illegal Voting Since 2020

When Same-Day Voter Registrants are Suspected of Fraud, Votes Still Count December 2023 – Since November 2020, the Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm has refused to review at least 354 referrals for potentially unlawful same-day voter registrations,...

Final Frontier: ZuckBucks in Montana

​Final Frontier tells the story of the lasting influence of Zuckbucks in Montana beyond the dollar figures and spending reports. Direct, left-wing funding of election administration is the last aspect to exert control over the election process. Purchasing the process – not the short-term electoral outcome – is the real play.

The rush is on, and local officials are already addicted to the easy money – whether they need it or not.

H.R. 4: Personnel is Policy

H.R. 4: Personnel is Policy

July 2021 -- Personnel is policy. Every time you hear about the need to pass H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, remember: Congress isn’t just passing a new set of rules—it is empowering scores of DOJ Civil Rights Division (“CRT”) Voting Section...

Public Interest Legal Foundation