
570 American Elections (and Counting) Ended in Ties, Close Results

“Please, God, please – let it be a landslide.” – Election Administrator’s Prayer October 2022 – Nothing gives officials charged with administering elections nightmares like the prospect of a tied election. Every procedural mistake or election crime – no matter how...

3.1 Million New York Voter Registrations Missing Critical Information

Missing Data Threatens Future Voter Roll Maintenance October 2022 – New York is flashing a warning sign indicating future trouble for election officials as they work to maintain the State’s voter roll. Although list maintenance work is typically a reactive process,...

Final Frontier: ZuckBucks in Montana

​Final Frontier tells the story of the lasting influence of Zuckbucks in Montana beyond the dollar figures and spending reports. Direct, left-wing funding of election administration is the last aspect to exert control over the election process. Purchasing the process – not the short-term electoral outcome – is the real play.

The rush is on, and local officials are already addicted to the easy money – whether they need it or not.

Is Florida Ready for the 2020 Elections?

Is Florida Ready for the 2020 Elections?

TAMPA -- As America’s most prized presidential battleground state and a focal point for increased voter turnout, Florida is ill-prepared for mail-in voting according to a new scathing report. The analysis found that Florida’s flawed voter rolls include widespread...

Report: 28 Million Mail Ballots Went Missing in Past Decade

Report: 28 Million Mail Ballots Went Missing in Past Decade

More Than 2 Million Ballots Also Sent to Wrong Addresses (INDIANAPOLIS, IN.) – April 13, 2020: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) today released a research brief detailing national figures for mail balloting failures, according to previous federal surveys....

244 Counties Have More Registered Voters than Live Adults

244 Counties Have More Registered Voters than Live Adults

29 States and D.C. Show Bloated Voter Rolls (INDIANAPOLIS, IN.) – August 19, 2019: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is spotlighting jurisdictions across 29 states for in-depth inspections of voter registration records and local list maintenance practices in...

Public Interest Legal Foundation