
Episode 7: Election Crimes are not Being Prosecuted

Protecting Your Vote
Protecting Your Vote
Episode 7: Election Crimes are not Being Prosecuted

Episode 7 of Protecting Your Vote details the important problem of county prosecutors not perusing election crimes.

People often point to the low number of election crime prosecutions as evidence that there is little to no voter fraud in the U.S. There is a major problem with this talking point. County prosecutors more often than not do not act on criminal referrals they receive from supervisors of elections.

The Foundation released a new report, Safe Harbor, that documents this problem in Florida’s big counties. We found 156 referrals from nine county supervisors of elections about potential criminal election law violations.

Governor Ron DeSantis has a solution to fix this problem. He has proposed giving state government officials a concurrent power to prosecute election crimes. This will provide a check and balance to the failure to enforce the law by county officials.

Read Safe Harbor here: https://publicinterestlegal.org/reports/safe-harbor-how-many-potential-election-crimes-languish-in-florida-prosecutors-offices/

Learn More about Governor DeSantis’ proposal here:
Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/desantis-is-right-a-state-election-crimes-agency-will-make-elections-more-secure

Tampa Free Press: https://www.tampafp.com/op-ed-florida-needs-to-beef-up-election-crimes-enforcement/

Episode 6: Child Voting

Protecting Your Vote
Protecting Your Vote
Episode 6: Child Voting

Children are voting in the United States!

This episode of the podcast delves into the push to normalize child voting.

In Howard County, Maryland, Children in the public schools that are in sixth grade and up are voting for school board. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit that alleges that this child voting scheme violates the 1st and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

You can learn more about the case below:

Episode 5: Vote by Mail Leads to Chaos & Disenfranchisement

Protecting Your Vote
Protecting Your Vote
Episode 5: Vote by Mail Leads to Chaos & Disenfranchisement

In Episode 5 of Protecting Your Vote, PILF President J. Christian Adams discusses how vote by mail led to chaos and disenfranchisement in 2020. He delves into federal data that shows several swing states had more undeliverable and lost ballots than Biden’s margin of victory.

Episode 4: What are Zuckbucks?

Protecting Your Vote
Protecting Your Vote
Episode 4: What are Zuckbucks?

Episode 4 of Protecting Your Vote will tell you everything you need to know about Zuckbucks. Zuckbucks refers to the millions of dollars given to election offices across the country by Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerburg. These funds were designed to change election procedures and turnout voters in heavily urban areas.

Episode 3: DOJ’s Baseless Lawsuit in GA

Protecting Your Vote
Protecting Your Vote
Episode 3: DOJ's Baseless Lawsuit in GA

DOJ’s Baseless Lawsuit in GA

Public Interest Legal Foundation