
Public Interest Legal Foundation’s litigation compels jurisdictions to comply with the law.  We litigate to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections.

Lacy v. San Francisco

Lacy v. San Francisco

Amicus brief filed in case regarding the City of San Francisco's policy to allow noncitizen voting Court of Appeal for the State of California (Case A165899) Case Filings Application to File and Amicus Brief of J. Kenneth Blackwell in Support of Plaintiffs/Respondents...

PILF v. Toulouse Oliver

PILF v. Toulouse Oliver

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of the statewide voter roll and history records held by the New Mexico Secretary of State at a reasonable cost. United States District Court for the District of New Mexico (Case...

HAVA Complaints Against 6 Minnesota Counties

HAVA Complaints Against 6 Minnesota Counties

Complaints alleging that six Minnesota counties are in violation of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) for duplicate voter registration errors in the statewide voter database. Ramsey County District Court, Second Judicial District Trial Court Filings Complaint - Ramsey...

Moore v. Harper

Moore v. Harper

Amicus brief filed in case regarding the North Carolina Legislature's powers to perform core redistricting functions United States Supreme Court (Case No. 21-1271) Case Filings Amicus Brief of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (September 6, 2022) United States...

League of Women Voters of Florida v. Florida Secretary of State

League of Women Voters of Florida v. Florida Secretary of State

Complaint alleging that Florida's election reforms governing absentee voting and other matters violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965. U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit (22-11133-GG, 22-11143-GG, 22-11144-GG, 22-11145-GG (consolidated)) Court Documents PILF...

PILF v. Way

PILF v. Way

Lawsuit filed under Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act to compel the release of voter roll list maintenance procedure document(s) held by the New Jersey Secretary of State. United States District Court for the District of New Jersey (Case Number...

Lichtenstein v. Hargett

Lichtenstein v. Hargett

Amicus brief filed in case regarding a First Amendment dispute United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (Case No. 22-5028) Case Filings Amicus Brief of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (May 16, 2022) Opinion (October 5, 2023) .

HAVA Complaint: MN Secretary of State re Duplicate Voter Registrations

HAVA Complaint: MN Secretary of State re Duplicate Voter Registrations

Complaint alleging that the Minnesota Department of State is in violation of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) for duplicate voter registration errors in the statewide voter database. Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State HAVA Complaint Documents HAVA Elections...

Merrill v. Milligan

Merrill v. Milligan

Amicus brief filed in case regarding a Section 2 Voting Rights Act claim against Alabama's congressional redistricting plan United States Supreme Court (Case Nos. 21-1086, 21-1087) Case Filings Amicus Brief of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (April 29, 2022)...

Public Interest Legal Foundation