Election Frontline

What You Need to Know About Vote by Mail

Vote by mail is the worst way to run an election. We have federal data that proves not only is vote by mail less secure, but it also leads to disenfranchisement. Every voter needs to know the risks of their ballot being lost or rejected if he or she chooses to vote by...

States Are Violating Their Own Election Laws

Last month, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the state's use of drop boxes and ballot harvesting in 2020 violated state law. This ruling upheld the rule of law in elections. J. Christian Adams, President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, joined Newsmax to...

Dead Voter Alert

Before the 2020 election, our database of the country’s voter rolls found nearly 350,000 deceased registrants. The inevitable question is always well did any of them vote. Unfortunately, some always do. And 2020 was no different. We have proof. One individual we...
The ‘Dirty Work Behind Clean Elections’

The ‘Dirty Work Behind Clean Elections’

Election Assistance Commission Chairman Matthew Masterson writes in The Washington Times about the tough, but valuable work required to maintain voter rolls according to federal standards. As the White House prepares to set up a commission focused on potential voting...

The Left’s Felony Assault on Voting

The Left’s Felony Assault on Voting

PILF President J. Christian Adams takes to the pages of The Hill this week to expose Philadelphia’s willful protection of felons on its voter rolls.

Public Interest Legal Foundation