Last month, we filed a federal lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson for...
Election Frontline
Public Interest Legal Foundation Files Motion to Intervene in DOJ Lawsuit Against Georgia
The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) jumped to the defense of the state of Georgia earlier this month when it filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) brought against the state in June.
ICYMI: J. Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky on How to Safely Collect and Count Our Votes
J. Christian Adams: Fairfax County is ignoring the law
Former President Trump did an interview with Breitbart's Matt Boyle where he cited multiple recent...
Fox News: Virginia county is violating election law amid governor race, lawsuit claims
By: Tyler O'Neil Fairfax County, Virginia, officials are violating election law two weeks before...
Sun-Sentinel: Broward County Admits ‘Non-citizens and Felons Have Voted’
Snipes acknowledged the processes her office have been using aren’t perfect and that some non-citizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible.
Sun-Sentinel: Broward County Voter Roll Trial Ends
Broward County is not doing enough to remove ineligible voters from its lists, it was claimed at a federal trial that wrapped Wednesday.
WSJ Op-Ed: Critics Try to Smear Trump’s Election Integrity Commission
It’s one thing to attack a proposed policy. It’s another thing to attack someone for simply asking a question.
WATCH: Trial over Broward County’s Disputed Voting Lists Ends
Courtesy of the Sun-Sentinel and the A/V team with the American Civil Rights Union.
J. Christian Adams: Why I’m Sticking with Trump’s Election Commission
PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams writes in The Hill today why he’s sticking with the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
J. Christian Adams: Matt Dunlap is Acting as a Saboteur on Trump Voter Fraud Commission
The fresh new face of victim and fragility culture --> @MESecOfState #PACEI — PublicInterestLegal (@PILFoundation) November 16, 2017